Digital Society Initiative
Answering questions of strategic importance to the digital society.
A research lab within the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) fosters better collaborations with the industry to answer questions of strategic importance to the digital society through vigorous academic and applied research. Recognizing that the future societal prosperity will be defined by how we creatively use, deploy, and assimilate digital technologies across all the sectors of the economy and by how the culture norms is shaped by this paradigm shift, we focus on a number of related, high-impact topics.
Learn more about our research and vision. Our initiative engages world-class experts who pursue scientific understanding of the various roles digital technologies play in the transformation of consumers, businesses, and the society. Their work carries great strategic importance to business leaders, governments, and individuals thought leaders alike — learn more about who we are.
Contact us
Digital Society Initiative
W. P. Carey School of Business
Benjamin Shao
Phone: 480-727-6790
Zhan (Michael) Shi
Phone: 480-965-8488